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Thank you for visiting the Department of Computer Science and Engineering web site. We hope that you will find the information you are searching for here, but if not, please feel free to contact me and we will try to satisfy your questions. We are a highly interactive, research intensive department that cares deeply about its students and their future. Our faculty are experts in their fields of study and many are nationally known for their contributions within the scientific community. This active research engagement results in cutting edge instruction for our students who are highly sought after by employers following graduation.
Our department offers undergraduate degrees in both Computer Science and Software Engineering. At the graduate level, we offer Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degree programs in computer science. Prospective students will find useful information about our university’s cooperative education program (one of the nation’s best), scholarships and fellowships, and admission procedures.
I would invite you to browse the Research link above too. While our research efforts are generally described as the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Computer Security and Forensics, High Performance Computing, Software Engineering, and Visualization and Computer Graphics – you will find that the application of the research efforts are exciting and are contributing to society in many unique ways. Our faculty and students often participate in research centers on campus that are applying scientific discovery to real world problem solving.
Our faculty and students work together in an environment that fosters teamwork and leadership as well as a caring attitude toward our students. We offer state-of-the-art facilities in which our students learn and conduct research in such exciting application areas as computational biology, computer security, digital forensics, intelligent systems, parallel computing, and augmented reality. We invite you to contact us and to surf our site to learn more about our academic and research programs.
Shahram Rahimi
Professor and Department Head