Book Request

Know of a book that MSU Libraries does not have but should? Request a book online following the instructions below.

Book Ordering Schedule

Books requested through this Web page for the previous years departmental book allocation were submitted to the Library for processing in December of that year and should be now on the Library shelves. Check out the list of books ordered previously that have made their way to our Library’s shelves thanks to your input!

Books charged to the yearly departmental book allocation are normally ordered in December and March of each year and start arriving on the Library’s shelves in the spring or summer. Please make book requests for the next academic year by December 1st of this academic year. Requests submitted after this deadline will be held for the next book-ordering cycle, so feel free to submit requests at anytime.

Note: Please do not request that the Library purchase additional copies of books it already has. The Library does not generally accept requests duplicating its current holdings. Rather, if the book is used in conjunction with a course, the instructor should put the book on reserve, restricting its use to within the Library (in particular, it is not the job of the library to stock course textbooks so that students do not have to buy them!).